I'm Having a picture contest! The winner will become the cp mania mascot! And you know the best bit! You can all advertise it where ever you want to!
Contest Rules:- Must be original.
- If you do it on the computer then it can not be bigger that 200x200 mega pixel.
- You CAN Scan it, But you must still shorten it to 200x200 mega pixel when you upload it.
- Cannot be a human, or an animal that lives in the warmth.
Prizes:1st Place will get:Their character as the official mascot.
Their Blog on the Blogroll. (if not already)
If they are member of CPMania they will get admin privileges.
Will become CPMania member (if not already)
They will be in my first ever you tube video series.
2nd Place will get:Their character in a post. (and A bio of the character)
If they are a member of CPMania they will get promoted to 'Cheat Agent'.
They will be in my first ever you tube video series.
3rd Place will get:Their character in a post. (and A bio of the character)
If they are a member of CPMania they will get promoted to 'Cheat Agent'.
They will be in my first ever you tube video series.
To enter e-mail me at ojpengy@hotmail.com The contest closes Wednesday 10th of September.
Please enter!
P.S if you send the picture to my other email address it will NOT be accepted. My other e-mail address is now only for discussion between me and My friends/CPMania members.
Oj Pengy ;-)