I have proof of that! As some of you may know my Surname (last name) is Fothergill here is the proof!
Click for full size and you will see it says Millie Fothergill! (by the way its the article in the bottom left not top right) She is officially declared the prettiest baby in my area!
Yep! That's me! My Halloween costume is Super-Franken-Ghost-Clown! Cool huh? By the way I'm gonna be wearing that costume for hippapalooza's party! If you have no idea what i'm talking about, the go to http://hippapalooza.blogspot.com/2008/10/thank-you-all.html and read the bold writing! Hope to see you there!
This site has a new domain it's http://www.cpmania.tk the old one still works as well though. by the way the new pin is on a table in the dance lounge.
Here are the cheats for the new clothing catalogue.
The gold viking helmet has returned! Click the on page 2 to get the viking helmet. Open and close it four times to get the blue viking helmet. While you have the blue on open, click the puffle on the color page.
Click the torch for the black superhero mask. It makes you look like a ninja!
Click the lighthouse for the black scuba mask. Click the pink flipper for the mixed bracelets.
Click the rock star cuff for the jade necklace.
I just took this off my site, 123iceball.blogspot.com. I am having a halloween collage contest on my blog, so check it out!
I dont care who does them but someone post the catalogue cheats! i dont care if iceball is eaten by zombies and they post the cheats, just someone post them!
I've once again cancelled the contest, because i haven't got enough entries, so I'll have to do it the easy way, I'm just gonna hold auditions for my movie series. Also Wyatt, hurry up and post the cheats! Or someone else could do them.
Guys my print screen button is broken so can you do the cheats please? also if I haven't posted the cheats on the site any other time you can post them urself if you want!
Club penguin Mania has a copyright, meaning it is illegal to steal words, pictures or anything else from Club penguin Mania! If you do your site WILL BE SHUT DOWN! Stealing is a crime so don't do it!