Thursday, 29 May 2008

New Random Worker of the Month!

And the new Random worker of the month is..............................................
......*Drum Roll*......................................................................


Although Breki is new he has been proven to be a good random guy! He has also joined Hippapalooza this month! Breki you will now have admin privileges!

Owen ;-)


breki said...

huh am i the worker of the month???

Owen_Oj pengy said...

erm yeh I said that! Also Please don't get stuff for the sidebar like animals. Also I've already got u a penguin

breki said...


breki said...

but um i cant. im going to minniapolis in america in june

Owen_Oj pengy said...

when? Also you don't have to be her to be worker of the month!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

u don't have to do anything special! Just act normal!

Wyatt Counterman said...

I'll be next month I assure you!! *confident grin*

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Wyatt if Breki didn't join you would've been it! But he's been my friend for a while now and he's better at making blogs than I thought!

Club penguin poll