Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Weird food/Meal contest!

STARTS NOW!!! People I want you all to think of a crazy Idea for food or a meal and put them in a comment!It has to sound weird like... Egg and Fish Cake LOL XD Sounds crazy right? Well that's what you have to do!!!! Begin in 10, 9, 8, 7, 0 - GO!!!!!!!!!!

Owen ;-)


Wyatt Counterman said...


(the surprise is, It tastes like cat food!!)

((do you watch cartoons? I do...))

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Of course I watch cartoons!!! I draw cartoons!!!! I EAT cartoons!!!! LOL! XD I like Spongebob Squarepants, The Simpsons, Family guy, Faily odd parents, Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy and loads more!

Wyatt Counterman said...

I hate ed, ed, and eddy, I hate family guy (too much of YOU-KNOW-WHAT) But I LOVE the rest! Also, I am a huge cartoonist, too. I have a comic company called

LOL Comix and Drawings, CO.
(copyright 2007-08 All Rights Reserved)

With me and Keegan. My most popular comic is currently... oops! It just changed! I have SO many good comics! I wish I could meet you sometime and we could read them... You dont even know what I look like... ;( I'll try to get a pic of me SOOOOOON!

I looooovve spongebob! LOL! A famous quote from patrick:

Owen_Oj pengy said...

I know what You know what is but apart from that it's awesome! I neva reli Watch Ed, Edd and Eddy anymore I just sed it as an example. Also We should have out own comic company! It could be on the computer and we could make a website for it!! Do ya wanna?

Owen_Oj pengy said...

P.S My Friends Alex and Ben made a comic company and said I couldn't be in cos one of them did drawing and the other does writing. :-( I have my own stories as well! It's called Warrior lad! It's like Starwars but slightly different! The story goes...

Episode 1
O.J was son of the chosen one. His evil uncle Raven didn't like this so killed his Farther and Mother and became his legal guardian. The Republic of Fisten (Biggest planet and home of most famous stuff) Sent their bravest warrior, Jake out to rescue O.J. When he and some troopers did this Raven was so Mad he had a battle with Jake. He killed Jake and the 7 year old OJ was heart broken.

Episode 2
O.J is 13 and a great warrior. One day he asks the republic if he can go out to find his Uncle Raven, They decide not to take the risk and make him stay on planet Fisten. That night he meet a girl he really like once they have got into a relationship he finds out that she is the Princess. Later that week He flys out to space to visit his birth planet of Zion while there he is arrested by Raven's 'Goons' He fights his way out and gets home with half his right arm cut off. It was his best friend to be Ben who discovered to Boy Unconscious in the sand. he Goes home and is given a robotic arm.

Episode 3
James (one of O.J's closest friends is taken away and held hostage by Raven) O.J is now seventeen and looks after himself. He is scheduled to be married to Princess Kei in 8 days. O.J and Ben go to Kiyn to find Raven and rescue James When they arrive at the mansion out of nowhere a boy appears and attacks Ben. O.J infuriated goes to lash out at him but when he sees his face it's like looking into a mirror. The Boys name is Fantasy. He attacks O.J and gives him a scar across the eye. All of a sudden James is Behind him in a cage dangling over a latch into space. O.J and James are separated by a huge glass window. The force of space sucks James out and he is left in Space to die from No Oxygen. Fantasy now has an evil smile on his face and the latch to space closes.Raven appears beside Fantasy. "This is my son, Fantasy, He is also the chosen one," And with that they disappeared. 8 Days later O.J was married to princess Kei.

I have also done up to episode 9!!! Do they sound good? That's just the stories summed up. Hope u like the sound of 'em

Wyatt Counterman said...

I love it! Sounds great! What should we call our company?? We could make our comics on Microsoft Paint! Our first comic could take place in midevil times and be about a British kid and an American kid who meet each other at a joust! (the American kid can win?) lol! Anyway, after that, they could find out that they have super jousting powers!!! The have to fight the evil dragon and save princess Shanti!!! LOL! Hows that sound???

Wyatt Counterman said...

Oh, and I was just rereading episode 2, and on recess, when I was in 5th grade, my friend Evan and I would play an adventure game where Evan got a robotic arm!!!! How weird... ???

Wyatt Counterman said...

Oooh! Or we could make comics on Scratch!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Wyatt I can't do scratch. :-( But if you mean me do most of the words and you be the illustrator that's a great idea! Also about the Joust thing What about they both loose!!! Cos they knock each other out!!! But what about a FULL comic? LOADS of strips! And Warrior lad could be one! I have the company name! Hippapalooza & Randomania (H&R for short) What do y'all think?

Wyatt Counterman said...

Good Idea! Lets do it!

Club penguin poll