Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Totally Weird Story!

Today the main headline in the news is:

Elderly penguin was attacked by a Crab.

The crab was later identified as Klutzy. Klutzy escaped prison and avoided being locked up for 4 years! Klutzy escaped through the ground of the prison with help from his friend, Herbert. This picture was taken,

Now Klutzy and Herbert continue with their On-off relationship.
The end

I think the last sentence is funny! yeh 'The end!' so funny! Makes me laugh every time!

Owen ;-)


Wyatt Counterman said...

'The End'... ahh soo funny! XD Nice story, Owen!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

thank you, thank you! Oh it'd nothing reli!

Wyatt Counterman said...


Club penguin poll