Friday, 1 August 2008

I finally found the club penguin band!!!!

Finally! Last night I found the penguin band! Here are some pics!

The best one was Stompin bob! I met all of them but only had time to print screen 2 player cards. Me and stopin bob were sat together talking! Look!

He kept pretending to sign peoples stuff! He even signed my V.I.P pass!

LOL! Okay that's an edit but still he did pretend to sign my V.I.P pass!

Catalogue cheats and pin

Here are the catalogue cheats!

To get the 'Jade necklace':
1. Go to gift shop
2. Open clothing catalogue
3. Go to page 2
4. Click the penguins blue T-shirt

to get the 'Viking helmets':
1. Go to page 7 of the catalogue
2.Click the Supernova guys hair
3. Open and close it 4 times to find the Blue Viking helmet

To get the 'Mixed bracelets':
1. Go to page 9 of the catalogue
2. Click on the bottom of the pink penguins left shoe

To get the 'woodsman's hat':
1. Go to page 22
2. click the top left corner of the purple shield


To get the 'Vinyl record' pin:
1. Go to the dance club
2. Click the green puffle on the speaker
3. The pin is under him so you will get it!

Hope this helped!

Owen ;-)


Wyatt Counterman said...

I got a good new name suggestion!!


LOL! I really do have a name...

Club Penguin Mania!

It's like a mixture!! ^^

Good job finding them! I only had time for one screenshot! My favorite band member is Petey K. He rules.

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Club penguin Mania is awesome! How didn't I think of it? I don't care about other names Club penguin Mania wins! Also Tomorrow I'm going on holiday for a week so you have to post any cheats or stuff OK Wyatt?

P.S Breki can help aswell.

Wyatt Counterman said...

all right, boss!

Club penguin poll