Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Contest canecelled (for now)

Guys I won this contest thing on Dalek Ad's site, the most famous English cp cheat finder and so now, I'm helping him organise something called, Ice meltdown. Because more people view his site I will host the contest on there, so when I post the contest on that site then, you can enter. Okay? I know that iceball already already visits that site. And Iceball in the post with that maths question on his site you said 'Maths? is it supposed to have the 's'?' well in the U.K we call it Maths, not math. Hope you all enter the contest when it re-opens! (Cos his site is more famous I might add some more stuff!)

Oj Pengy ;-)


Wyatt Counterman said...

I don't visit famous people's sites. Besides, how hard is it to make a CP Cheat site? I'll answer that: Not hard at all.

You can't really consider him "famous". Celebrities are famous. Just saying. Hey, you like the blue Ba-jibble?

Owen_Oj pengy said...

yeah! i like the blue one! also Wyatt it's not 'easy' to make a cp cheat site! especially not a successful one. remember, i tried it! cos you gotta find all the cheats and print screen them all then crop the picture, it ain't easy!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

you also gotta tell people EXACTLY where to find the pin or whatever cos some people are not the brightest spark if you know what i mean

Wyatt Counterman said...

Yeah, you make a good point...

Actually I perfer, "Not the sharpest knife in the drawer"

Owen_Oj pengy said...


Wyatt Counterman said...


Wyatt Counterman said...

Math in America, Maths in England.

Owen_Oj pengy said...

yes... that what i sed

Wyatt Counterman said...

Oh, okay... Hey, have you seen Breki's comments on the YPP?

OMGOSH what should we do?

Owen_Oj pengy said...

we should shoot hi ,out of a cannon while holding a turtle!

Club penguin poll